Class Recrdings
6. Newton's Law Of Motion
Newton's laws of motion_ Inertia and Newton's first law of motion_ 11 Oct 2023
Newton's laws of motion_ Newton's second law of motion_ 13-10-2023
Newton's laws of motion_ Newton's first law of motion_ 16-10-2023
Newton's Laws of motion_ Type of friction and limiting friction_ 27-10-2023
Laws of motion_ Limiting friction, Angle of friction_ 30-10-2023
8. System Particles and motion
System of particles and rotational motion_ Circular motion_ 06-12-2023
System of particles and rotational motion_ Circular motion_ 08-12-2023
System of particles and rotational motion_ Circular motion_ 11-12-2023
System of particles and rotational motion_ Center of mass_ 13-12-2023
System of particles and rotational motion_ Basics of Rotational motion_ 18-12-2023
System of particles and rotational motion_ Torque and Moment of inertia_ 20-12-2023
System of particles and rotational motion_ Moment of inertia of regular bodies_ 20-12-2023
System of particles and rotational motion_ Kinematics of Rotational motion_ 27-12-2023
System of particles and rotational motion_ Kinematics of Rotational motion_ 29-12-2023
System of particles and rotational motion_ Angular momentum_ 03-01-2024
10 mechanical properties of Solid states
Mechanical properties of Solids_ Stress and Strain_24-01-2024
Mechanical properties of Solids_ Elastic constants_ 29-01-2024
Mechanical properties of Solids_ Elastic constants_ 31-01-2024
Mechanical properties of Fluids_ Bernaulli's Principal_ 5 Feb 2024
Mechanical properties of Fluids_ Terminal velocity_ 7 Feb 2024
Mechanical properties of Fluids_ Terminal velocity_ 9 Feb 2024