Chemistry Class Recordings
- Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
2. States of Matter
2. States of Matter
3. Structure of Atom
3. Structure of Atom
5. Chemical Bonding
5. Chemical Bonding
12th Class Recordings Below
12th Class Recordings Below
- Orientation Session
3. Coordination Compounds
3. Coordination Compounds
Coordinationcompound__IUPAC nomenclature of Coordination compound_12june
Coordinationcompound_IUPAC nomenclature of Coordination compound and formulas _14june
Coordinationcompound_Isomerism in Coordination compound_15june
Coordinationcompound_ Valence bond theory(VBT) part 1 _17june
Coordinationcompound_ Valence bond theory(VBT) part 2_19 june
Coordinationcompound_ Crystal filed theory(CFT) part 1_21 june
Coordinationcompound_ color and magnetic property & bonding_22june
Coordinationcompound_Importance and applications of coordination complexes & Revison_24june