Physics Class Recordings
4. Mathematic Tool
4. Mathematic Tool
6. Motion in 2D
6. Motion in 2D
Motion in 2D_general projectile_25Jan
Motion in 2D_Horizontal projectile, inclined projectile _27JAN
7. Laws of Motion
7. Laws of Motion
Newton's Laws of Motion_First Law,Second Law,Linear Momentum_6Feb
Newton's Laws of Motion_Weight,Impulse and applications,Third Law Problems_7Feb
Newton's Laws of Motion_free body diagrams,contact & ,Apparent weight in a lift_10Feb
Newton's Laws of motion_Free body Diagram problems,Constraint motion Problems_17Feb
Newton's Laws of motion_Constraint motion problems,Conservation of Momentum_18Feb
12th Class Recordings Below
12th Class Recordings Below
- Orientation Session