Class Recordings
- Mole Concept Introduction
Some basic concept of chemistry_ signficant digit and temperature converstion-2-8-23
Some basic concept of chemistry_ molecular mass and mole concept-7-8-23
Some basic concept of chemistry_ mole concepy and percentage-9-8-23
Some basic concept of chemistry_ Stchiometeric and emprical formula-10-8-23
Some basic concept of chemistry_ Molarity and molality-19-8-23
3. Periodic Table
periodic table_Ionization enthaply & electron gain enthaply_7sept
Periodic table-dobernier triads, newland octave and mendellevs laws-12-9-23
Periodic table-modern periodic law and group and periob-14-9-23
Periodic table-modern periodic law -properties of radius-19-9-23
Periodic table-modern periodic law -ionisation energy-21-9-23
Periodic table-modern periodic law -electron ngain enthalpy-23-9-23
Periodic table-modern periodic law -electronegativity -26-9-23
5. Thermodynamics
6. Equilibrium
Equilibrium-Introduction -Factor affecting equilibrium constant-9-12-23
Equilibrium-Introduction -Factor affecting equilibrium constant-12-12-23
ionic equilibrium-Arhenius concept, bronsted lowry theory-19-12-23
ionic equilibrium-Lewis concept and ostwald dilution-21-12-23
Ionic Equilibrium-potential of hydrogen for weak acid and strong base-04-1-24
8. General organic chemistry
General organic chemistry - nomenclature of complex and cyclic compound-3-1-24
General organic chemistry - nomenclature of complex and cyclic compound-6-1-24
General organic chemistry - nomenclature of alchol and aledhyde compound-8-2-24
General organic chemistry - nomenclature of krtone and carboxylic acid compound-10-2-24
General organic chemistry - nomenclature of polfunctional compound-13-2-24