Chemistry Class Recordings
4. Periodicity of Elements
12th class Recording Below
- Solution
3. Chemical Kinetics
4. Coordination compound
coordinationcompound___IUPAC nomenclature of Coordination compound_13june
coordinationcompound_IUPAC nomenclature of Coordination compound and formulas _14june
coordinationcompound_Isomerism in Coordination compound_16june
coordinationcompound_ Valence bond theory(VBT) part 1 _17june
coordinationcompound_ Valence bond theory(VBT) part 2_20june
coordinationcompound_ Crystal filed theory(CFT) part 1_21 june
coordinationcompound_ color and magnetic property & bonding_23june
coordinationcompound_Importance and applications of coordination complexes & Revision_24june
5. Haloalkane & Haloarene
Haloalkane & Haloarene_Halogen exhange reaction and revision_july 4
Haloalkane & Haloarene_Prepration of Aryl halide & physical properies_5july
Haloalkane & Haloarene_ Electrophilic substitution & Reaction with metals_11july
Haloalkane & Haloarene_Nucleophilic substitution & stereochemistry_12july
Haloalkane & Haloarene_stereochemistry part 2 & polyhalogen compound & PYQS JEE _18july